Today we’re releasing app version 2.2.0, which introduces a new Control UI, and a new Places tab! This also has some minor implications for how some settings work. Please make sure you have the latest app installed from Google Play or iTunes. Read on to learn more.
New Control UI
The Control Tab has been replaces with a floating button which is accessible at the bottom right hand of most screens in the app. This means that it will be easier to start, stop, and view zone status from anywhere in the app!
If no zones are running, tapping this button will reveal a screen where the user can select a manual schedule, or a specific zone to run. As always, you’ll be able to see relevant information regarding when the zone last ran, as well as the next scheduled watering.
If a zone is running, you’ll see a convenient screen showing the currently watering zone, the elapsed and remaining time, and any actions available to you.
Dashboard Weather
Tapping on the weather card on the dashboard will now toggle between forecasted weather, and forecasted temperature.
The new Places tab combines both Zones and Sensors and provides a convenient places to check in on activity, and provides a few quick view for charts.
If a sensor is associated with a zone, the data will be shown together in the same Place Card, and the charted data will always show the sensor data.
Tapping on the Place Card for any given zone or sensor will reveal a new screen where you can quick-toggle between various charts, view recent activity, and see a shortcut to any associated schedules.
Settings Changes
We’ve decided to make a few changes to some settings to accompany this app update.
Moisture Threshold
The moisture threshold (previously, the moisture setpoint) is now a setting that is global to each sensor. Previously, the moisture setpoint could be different for each connected schedule, and if there was no schedule in place, a value could not be defined.
Moving the moisture threshold to be a sensor-associated setting helps to clarify exactly what the moisture threshold is. For example, it was previously possible to set two different thresholds if there were two different schedules. Our feeling is that this was often just a mistake, but the visibility into this kind of inconsistency was poor. Forcing the moisture threshold into a single setting that is associated with the sensor makes it easier to see this (especially with the new Place charts, which show the threshold on the charts), and also keeps the setting in place, in case the user deletes a schedule and creates a new one.
This will also allow a user to set a reference value, even if the sensor isn’t associated with a zone.
As well, renaming the setting to moisture threshold better reflects what the setting is actually doing.
Universal vs. Independent Et
One of the biggest benefits to the new Place charts is that it clearly shows what the zone is doing and how watering fits in with the Weather Balance schedule modes (read more about how the Weather Balance modes work here). When prototyping the new charts, it became clear that some behavior did not quite make sense – namely, in the legacy water level tracking, watering from manual toggles, or other schedules, did not incorporate into the water levels for a schedule.
So, we are changing the default behavior so that water levels are tracked universally. This means that, for most users, manual watering will now affect connected schedules (depending on the mode, this may cause the zone to water a day or two later, or it will reduce the amount of time the zone will water).
We are also introducing an “Independent Et” setting which will reproduce the legacy behavior.
To maintain legacy behavior, the Independent Et setting has been turned on for any existing and active Connected Schedule that contains a zone that is:
- Enabled in the schedule
- Set to a Weather Balance mode
- Is also scheduled in another Basic or Connected Schedule
Any users with Connected Schedules that do not meet the above criteria will default into the Universal Et mode of operation. Any future Connected Schedules will always default to Universal Et.
Do you have any questions or feedback on the new changes? Feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to answer!